Thursday, March 8, 2012

bathroom closet makeover

This week I set out to reorganize our bathroom closet.  It was part of the “still unpacking boxes of junk from our old house” that I’ve been working on for about a month now.  I had to be forced to consolidate 3 bathrooms to one.  Not an easy task.

[Disclaimer, I am going to show you a lot of pictures of our bathroom.  Duh.  But seriously, it was decorated like this when we moved in – by our landlord.  At first, I was repulsed.  There’s only so much you can do with baby blue tile left over from the 70s, but I hated it.  The very first time I actually got ready in the bathroom though, my opinion changed immediately.  The decorations remind me of a tacky beach house.  So, literally, every morning I get ready for work or whatever, I feel like I’m at the beach!!  Not kidding.  Could be worse, my friends!  But I just wanted to forewarn you.  This is not my style.  If it were my bathroom, the fish would have been flushed a long time ago … along with that horrid wall color.  There.  I spoke my piece, now I can show you the place.  :) ]

When I had moved our essentials into the new place, our bathroom was still messy.  It looked like this:

Then I added all the bathroom stuff from the boxes I unpacked.  …after I threw away everything that I didn’t want any more or disposed of expired drugs.  [which was a lot, but the way.]  Even after that, I still had all this stuff:

At this point in my madness, my husband walked in.  His exact words were “I’m going to throw up”  haha!  He gets a little bit stressed to walk into the middle of one of my projects.

But after a few hours alone in the bathroom with nothing but a pair of scissors, shelf liner, and Pandora ABBA channel, it turned into this:

Ahhhhhhh!!  So much better!  And the total cost of this project: Free.  :)  I had all those little white storage containers.  Albeit, most of them needed a good scrub!  And I already had the shelf liner too.  Here are a few of my favorite things.

Best way to store bobby-pins ever?  Magnetic paper clip holder.  I’ve been doing this one for years.  It WORKS and I stick with it.

One thing I looooove about this bathroom is the drawers to the sides of the sink.  I haven’t had drawers next to my sink since I moved out of my parents’ house.  Oh how I’ve missed them!!  It makes organizing so much easier.  Check out these small plastic organizers I put in each drawer.  And yes, I lined the plastic with shelf liner so my stuff isn’t flying all over the place each time I open the drawer.

And of course, there’s some organization to each little bin – one for eyeliner/eye colors, one for brushes, one for foundations, and another for lips.  It makes my daily routine so much easier.  And yes yes yes, my eye colors are now alphabetized.  Need you even ask??

So there you have it.  That’s how I squeezed three bathrooms into one.  I made sure to include only what I use and got rid of a lot [a LOT] of expired drugs, meds, and make up.  Remember, cosmetics have a shelf life of three years, unless it’s mascara – that’s only 3 months folks!

This is such an easy task that really takes so little time.  It’s something that we all need to do more often than we do.  It’s no use keeping old cold medicine if it’s passed its expiration date.  …especially if it’s 5 years passed.  Yikes!

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